Exactly what would you fine folks who are so quick to judge have the Corrections Department do? You yelled when they let them go and you yell when they try to keep them in. Make up your minds and quit yelling.
If you are insistent on allowing this group to run the streets get a petition going and really show your stuff. If, on the other hand, you have found a few examples that have upset you then I suggest your need to set everyone free needs to be rethought.
There are so many non-violent crimes that hurt our children there isn’t space enough in this paper to put them all down. Our justice system is having enough problems with out citizens who think they know how things should go.
Check the National Crimes and look at the nonviolent crimes.
Are you really sure about letting drug dealers, pimps, little thefts that cost billions every year, identity theft where you really loose your shirt, big business that steals their investors blind … I could go on, but you should ask yourself if the nonviolent crime hurts you or the masses.
Two of our children have jobs in corrections and their father also served your communities. They experienced tons of nonviolent crimes.
If, on the other hand, you want to know where all the real problems come in, contact mental health who turned their backs on the mentally ill and now they are being housed in these prisons along with illegals who have been allowed to enter our communities by big business.
I am sorry that your friend or acquaintance has to suffer. That is very sad and our prayers go out to you and those who suffer such things.
A bill should be encouraged to open back up our mental health hospitals to get the mentally ill out of the prisons and we need to back our government to make aliens become legal just like our grandparents had to do.
Mary Kiele